Eloise’s Zoo Warlock vs Lifecoach’s Demon Handlock (Tempo Storm vs Nihilum) This Warlock on Warlock slugfest was easily the game of the tournament, with multiple insane swings.
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Especially against more aggressive decks sometimes it might still be necessary to play cards like Darkbomb or Zombie Chow before turn four. Lifecoach and SuperJJ streaming from the airport on their way to Dreamhack. I first encountered you as a player after hearing that there was this guy who was incredible at Handlock, but always Lifecoach, the shirtless wonder! Goes up against Firebat of team Copenhagen Wolves.
Quarterfinals James vs. Inderen Inderen A life coach can facilitate all phases of this cyclical process by encouraging clients to reflect on their actions and their consequences. For instance, within the context of the ABC model, coaches can invite clients to experiment with adopting new, more adaptive, beliefs in response to challenging activating events. Lifecoach on quitting Hearthstone: I first encountered you as a player after hearing that there was this guy who was incredible at Handlock, but always streamed with no shirt on. Eloise’s Zoo Warlock vs Lifecoach’s Demon Handlock (Tempo Storm vs Nihilum) This Warlock on Warlock slugfest was easily the game of the tournament, with multiple insane swings. Lifecoach Adrian " Lifecoach " Koy represents Germany, and it one of the most interesting players on the tournament scene.
There were, Amaz' Chokelocks, Lifecoach's Ropelocks and Reynad's Dopelocks. I even had Jaraxxus, thought I was a Handlock. What if Handlock made a deck 'bout Handlock.
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Lifecoach Adrian " Lifecoach " Koy represents Germany, and it one of the most interesting players on the tournament scene. His logical reasoning is regarded by many people as the best in the world, and before taking up Hearthstone he had put this to good use as a professional poker player. 2015-06-03 · Hey guys.
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#1 - Duration: Hearthstone Lifecoach Playing Legend Ranked Handlock - Duration: 1:33:01. GameVODS 4,778 views. 1:33:01. 2015-10-28 · Lifecoach has a good chance to make the semifinals if he brought Handlock, but this will suffer at the hands of faster deck rosters if so, since all of the most popular classes feature so much
HandLock, one of the coolest decks ever.
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After a thrilling ESL Hearthstone Legendary Series Season 1 final in Burbank earlier in the year, the Legendary Series made a stop at the IEM Expo in Katowice with a US$30,000 prize pool in tow. Lots of new faces to the scene got a chance to prove themselves against established Hearthstone pros, which made for great matches, as recapped in detail below!
Description. meta snapshot (magicamy) *Updated 3/5/2015 (AMI)* (lifecoach list) Comments (1) Add Comment. Tempo Storm User.
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Handlock was always a skill heavy deck, this deck is no exception, it requires a lot of experience to pilot it the right way. It will be hard to play for someone who never played handlock before, so please before saying this deck sux etc consider that. Someone who knows nothing about Handlock should watch this. Key things of the deck:
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11 May 2015 From the lower part of the bracket it was Lifecoach who reached the grand finals. the finals became the absolute highlight of the match as Lifecoach and Kolento Lifecoach: Handlock • Mech Mage • Druid • Patron Warr
Follow Us On Twitter Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Help Sign In. Hearthpwn. Join us on Discord! Follow Us On Twitter Player: Lifecoach - Published: February 18, 2015 - Updated: 6 years ago - Dust Cost: 9,880 Tweet Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-11 - Style: ladder 2015-03-02 · Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Help Sign In. Hearthpwn.